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Post Hurricane Recovery for Business and Commerce

Blog > Post Hurricane Recovery for Business and Commerce
Learn tried and true strategies for post hurricane recovery in the business sector. We share information from leading emergency management experts.
Published: February 13, 2024
Last Modified: February 13, 2024
Author: Joe Weaver

Post hurricane recovery is crucial for businesses located in the path of these dangerous storms. Hurricanes flood warehouses, destroy inventory, and render entire sections of highway impossible to use. The damage to physical assets and disruption of operations can send a profitable business into the red. Smart preparation lets savvy business owners turn this crisis into a display of resilience.

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) emphasizes that post hurricane recovery for businesses involves assessing damage, planning debris removal, and setting recovery goals. Businesses need a clear recovery strategy to avoid customer complaints and crippling financial losses.

Is your business prepared to recover from extreme storm damage? Find out as we look at the steps businesses should follow in the wake of a hurricane.

Preparing for Post Hurricane Recovery as a Business Owner

Post hurricane recovery is vital for businesses such as this one, which has lost its roof in a cyclone.

Preparation is the cornerstone of successful post hurricane recovery. A business with a plan in place for these emergencies has a good chance of minimizing losses. Those losses can be considerable: just take a look at the top five costliest hurricanes in U.S. history. 

The USA’s Top Five Most Costly Hurricanes

Storm NameLosses in Millions of USD


There are two specific types of plans that address emergency situations.

  • Business Continuity Plan (BCP)
  • Business Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP)

These plans are at the heart of post hurricane recovery. They address everything from what to do during the storm itself to site cleanup and data recovery. If a hurricane hits your place of business, these plans are where you start to react.

What is a Business Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP)?

A man standing next to a pile of debris from a hurricane.

Businesses use a DRP to recover from catastrophic events, such as hurricanes. Its chief concern is recovering data from a business’s data center in a post-disaster scenario. This plan is a blueprint for post hurricane recovery activity. When properly executed, it helps to quickly restore critical functions and reduce losses. 

A typical disaster recovery plan checklist might contain the following elements.

  • Initial Response Protocol

This includes emergency contact lists and procedures for securing property. 

  • Damage Assessment Procedures

Once the storm passes, it’s crucial to evaluate and document damages.

  • Restoration of Operations

A key step in the DRP is examining and restoring IT systems. 

  • Employee Communication and Support

It’s important to have a step-by-step plan for getting employees back to work after the storm passes.

  • Hurricane-Specific Considerations

You’ll need procedures for dealing with floods and power outages. Hurricanes also leave debris and closed roads in their wake.

  • Insurance Management 

Once you’ve documented damages and losses, contact your insurance provider.

A detailed DRP is vital to reduce the adverse impacts of natural disasters and ensure a speedy return to normalcy. Another strategy businesses use in such a situation is the previously mentioned BCP.

Find out how hurricane cargo insurance can help you ride the storm out.

Business Continuity Plan vs Disaster Recovery Plan

A flooded warehouse.

BCPs and DRPs are big parts of a business's post hurricane recovery strategy. With that said, their exact purposes do differ somewhat, especially considering that a BCP’s goal might involve working through a natural disaster. Understanding how they differ is crucial for business owners. 

You can check out our detailed article on business continuity plans here. They differ from DRPs in the following ways.


  • BCP: The upkeep of critical systems during a disaster.
  • DRP: Focuses on restoring business operations to normal after a disaster has occurred.


  • BCP: Minimize operational downtime and maintain critical services during a disaster.
  • DRP: Restore all business operations to normal as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Testing and Maintenance

  • BCP: Requires regular testing and updates to ensure effectiveness in real-world scenarios.
  • DRP: Also needs periodic testing to guarantee data integrity and system functionality post-disaster.

Hurricane-Specific Considerations

  • BCP: Plans for remote work arrangements, securing physical assets against storm damage, and maintaining customer service.
  • DRP: Focuses on recovering data from damaged equipment, restoring IT infrastructure, and power outages.

Implementing these plans at the right time is vital for businesses to beat the challenges posed by hurricanes. Together, they provide a comprehensive approach to disaster preparedness and recovery.

When to Implement Post Hurricane Recovery Plans

With your plans in place, it’s important to know when to put them into action. Your BCP should go into effect once you know with some certainty that a hurricane is coming.

Remember that although you should enact your BCP before the storm falls, your DRP should be used after the storm passes. This order of operations is crucial for business recovery after natural disasters.

Hurricane Debris: Challenges and Dangers

Hurricane debris pilled up on the side of a highway.

Perhaps the most common after-effect of a hurricane is debris. Hurricane debris can consist of anything from uprooted trees to contaminated garbage. 

Understanding these risks this debris poses is crucial for safe cleanup efforts: 

  • Structural damage
  • Destruction of vehicles
  • Blockage of roads and access points
  • Pollution of water sources
  • High risk of flooding
  • Downed power lines

During the disaster recovery process, hurricane debris removal requires a careful approach. You’ll need to consider personal safety and all relevant regulations. If your business is affected by hurricane debris, you should consider partnering with a professional emergency logistics provider. Their experience makes for fast removal and recovery.

Hurricane Debris Removal Contractors: How They Help

Professional hurricane debris pickup lessens the burdens and risks of post-storm cleanup for business owners. Here are some ways the expertise of these professionals can help.

  • Rapid Assessment and Removal

Quick evaluation of debris types and efficient removal strategies.

  • Sorting and Recycling

Proper separation of debris for recycling.

  • Hazardous Material Handling

Safe removal and disposal of hazardous materials to prevent health risks.

  • Stress Reduction

Outsourcing this task allows business owners to focus on increasing profits and meeting customer needs.

  • Cost-Effectiveness

Their ability to mitigate further damage can result in reduced recovery expenses.

Working with hurricane debris removal contractors is a smart way to streamline the cleanup process. Their expertise and knowledge make them valuable allies in the aftermath of a hurricane. By employing a contractor, you can return to normal operations quickly.

Recover From Hurricane Damage With Emergency Management Logistics

Hurricanes bring the potential for devastation on a massive scale. However, with the right logistics partner, you and your business can weather the storm.

Emergency Management Logistics is staffed by experts in post-disaster logistics needs. From hurricanes to wildfires and everything in between, we have the resources businesses need in the wake of disaster.

In addition to debris removal, contact us for services such as:

Don’t wait until hurricane season to get ready. Call us at (855) 420 9447 or get in touch with us online today. We’re ready to help you weatherproof your business.

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